Saturday 23 September 2023

Who Could Have Seen This Coming?

All over America, blue cities are facing a severe shortage of police officers.

Public Must Pay For Gender-Affirmation Surgeries Abroad, Says Ontario Review Board

If there are guardrails on Ontario’s coverage for niche genital surgeries, they are very low.

Justin Trudeau Mocked over Support of ‘2SLGBTQI+’ Canadians

Condemning ‘biphobia.’

Gender Ideology in the Classroom

Here’s the problem.


For First Time, Crows Have Been Found To Use Statistical Inference To Make Decisions

Not such a bird brain after all.

Charles Darwin

The best scientist-writer of all time.

Restoring Arthur Erickson’s Most Influential Home

The house is on a tiny street off West Vancouver’s Marine Drive, provides barely 2,000 square feet of living space including but one bedroom, was constructed for $30,000 on a $9,000 lot for a client on a modest salary as an art school instructor, and has rarely been visited by anyone outside of Vancouver’s tight visual arts community.

Tuesday 19 September 2023

The Journalist and the Billionaire

What did an old establishment guy like Walter Isaacson learn writing Elon Musk’s biography?

Purple Haze

Cannabis returns to Kathmandu.

At 14, Marcos Was Maimed While Working The Overnight Cleaning Shift

At a Perdue slaughterhouse in rural Virginia.

Bees Can’t Find Food in Dirty Air

That means humans could go hungry, too.

Australian National University Researchers

Find ‘master sculptor’ in drumming palm cockatoo.

Japanese City To Use Robots To Tackle Rising School Truancy

Robots will let students attend class and talk with classmates virtually as truancy rates surge due to bullying and post-COVID anxiety.

What Would Failure Look Like?

The New Yorker sees a homelessness program rife with drugs and crime as hugely successful.

The Day Hermann Hesse

Discovered the meaning of life in a tree.

Spirits of the Age

Here is a small picture—a vignette, a detail in life’s rich tapestry.

The Unbearable Tightness of Being

Justin Trudeau.

The Loss of Dark Skies Is So Painful

Astronomers coined a new term for it. Noctalgia.

Henry Beston

On happiness, simplicity, and the sacredness of smallness.